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ABOUT WaterRock Energy

WaterRock Energy Economics is a market and economic consultancy.  We focus on robustly understanding and analyzing the interaction between renewables, gas and energy storage solutions in the power markets in Asia.    

Since 2018, our team have led or involved in many important projects that help to shape the regulatory and investment landscape in the power and gas markets in Singapore, the Philippines, mainland China, Taiwan, Malaysia and Oman, including detailed design of the forward capacity market , long-term technology mix and power import studies in Singapore, design of Renewable energy exchange in Malaysia, assessment of  economic value and policies related to LNG terminal, CCGT plants, renewable and energy storage capacity in the Philippines, detailed and actionable market entry strategy studies for expansion of wind, solar and BESS portfolio across different provinces in mainland China, detailed quantitative studies on merchant revenue streams for investing in large scale BESS capacity in Taiwan, and many studies for market price and dispatch projection of renewable and gas capacity for investors and large end-users across different Asian countries.  

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WaterRock Energy


The team have a strong track record for providing valuable advisory services on:

Due-diligence Study


Power and Gas Optimization Modelling Support


Regulation and Strategy Support


Price and Tariff Trend Analysis and Forecast


Curtailment Analysis and Forecast


Commercial and Strategy Support


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